@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@
<select id="getAdjustList" parameterType="com.xjrsoft.module.schedule.dto.CourseTableAdjustDto" resultType="com.xjrsoft.module.schedule.vo.CourseListVo">
- SELECT t1.time_period,t1.time_number,t1.course_name,t2.name AS class_name,t3.name AS classroom_name,t1.id,t2.id as class_id FROM course_table t1
+ SELECT t1.time_period,t4.short_name as time_number,t1.course_name,t2.name AS class_name,t3.name AS classroom_name,t1.id,t2.id as class_id FROM course_table t1
LEFT JOIN base_class t2 ON t1.class_id = t2.id
LEFT JOIN base_classroom t3 ON t1.site_id = t3.id
+ left join class_time t4 on t1.time_number = t4.number and t1.time_period = t4.time_period
WHERE t1.status = 1
<if test="dto.adjustType != null and dto.adjustType == 'course_exchange'">
AND t1.teacher_id = #{dto.teacherId}