@@ -38,15 +38,31 @@
<select id="getMyPage" parameterType="com.xjrsoft.module.activity.dto.ActivityInfoPageDto" resultType="com.xjrsoft.module.activity.vo.ActivityInfoPageVo">
- SELECT t1.id,t2.name AS type_cn,t3.company_name AS enterprise_name,t1.name,t1.place,t1.start_date,t1.end_date,
- t1.type, t4.name AS org_name, t1.enroll_end_time, t1.duty_person,t1.duty_person_mobile, t1.cover_file_id,
- t1.enroll_range, t1.status,t1.content,t1.category,t5.status as enroll_status,
- (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM activity_enroll WHERE delete_mark = 0 AND activity_info_id = t1.id) as enroll_count FROM activity_info t1
+ SELECT t1.id,t1.name,t1.place,t1.start_date,t1.end_date,
+ t1.type, t4.name AS org_name, t1.enroll_end_time, t1.cover_file_id,
+ t1.status,t1.content,t1.category,t5.status AS enroll_status FROM activity_info t1
LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t2 ON t1.type = t2.code
LEFT JOIN company_coop t3 ON t1.enterprise_id = t3.id
LEFT JOIN xjr_department t4 ON t1.org_id = t4.id
LEFT JOIN activity_enroll t5 ON t1.id = t5.activity_info_id
- WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0 and t5.user_id = #{dto.loginUserId}
+ WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0 AND t5.user_id = #{dto.loginUserId}
+ SELECT a1.id, a1.club_activities_name AS NAME, 1 AS enroll_status,
+ a1.club_activities_content AS content,
+ a1.activity_location AS place,a1.start_time AS start_date
+ ,a1.end_time AS end_date, NULL AS cover_file_id,a1.activity_type AS category,NULL AS org_name
+ ,NULL AS enroll_end_time, 1 AS STATUS,NULL AS TYPE
+ FROM club_activities a1 WHERE a1.delete_mark = 0 AND a1.student_id = #{dto.loginUserId}
+ SELECT a2.id, a2.moral_event_name AS NAME, 1 AS enroll_status,
+ a2.event_content AS content,
+ a2.event_address AS place,a2.event_start_time AS start_date
+ ,a2.event_end_time AS end_date, NULL AS cover_file_id,a2.event_type AS category,NULL AS org_name
+ ,NULL AS enroll_end_time, 1 AS STATUS,NULL AS TYPE
+ FROM moral_event a2 WHERE a2.delete_mark = 0 AND
+ (a2.attend_teacher = #{dto.loginUserId} OR a2.attend_class IN (
+ SELECT class_id FROM base_student_school_roll WHERE user_id = #{dto.loginUserId}
+ ))
<if test="dto.category != null">
and t1.category = #{dto.category}