@@ -47,13 +47,14 @@
t.id as evaluateManageId,
+ t.status,
t4.name as evaluateTypeCn,
from evaluate_manage tb1
left join evaluate_executer tb3 on tb3.evaluate_manage_id = tb1.id
where tb1.delete_mark = 0
- and tb1.status <> -1
+ and tb1.status = 1
and tb3.status = 0
and tb3.user_id = t3.user_id
and tb1.id = t.id) as ratedCount
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
left join evaluate_executer t3 on t3.evaluate_manage_id = t.id
left join xjr_dictionary_detail t4 on t4.code = t2.evaluate_type
where t.delete_mark = 0
- and t.status <> -1
+ and t.status = 1
and t3.user_id = #{dto.loginUserId}
<if test="dto.keyword != null and dto.keyword != ''">
and (t.name like concat('%', #{dto.keyword}, '%')