@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
left join base_grade t4 on t.grade_id=t4.id
left join base_grade t4 on t.grade_id=t4.id
left join xjr_user t5 on t.assessment_user_id=t5.id
left join xjr_user t5 on t.assessment_user_id=t5.id
left join xjr_dictionary_detail t6 on t6.code=t.score_type
left join xjr_dictionary_detail t6 on t6.code=t.score_type
- where t.delete_mark=0 and t1.delete_mark=0 and t2.delete_mark=0 and t3.delete_mark=0 and t.status=1
+ where t.delete_mark = 0 and t1.delete_mark = 0 and t2.delete_mark = 0 and t3.delete_mark = 0
<if test="dto.projectIds != null and dto.projectIds.size() > 0">
<if test="dto.projectIds != null and dto.projectIds.size() > 0">
and t.base_student_assessment_project_id in
and t.base_student_assessment_project_id in
<foreach item="projectId" index="index" collection="dto.projectIds" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
<foreach item="projectId" index="index" collection="dto.projectIds" open="(" close=")" separator=",">