@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ public class NewsController {
Long notReadCountProclamation = newsRelationService.count(Wrappers.<NewsRelation>query().lambda()
- .eq(NewsRelation::getReadMark, 2)
- .eq(NewsRelation::getUserId, 2)
+ .eq(NewsRelation::getReadMark, 0)
+ .eq(NewsRelation::getUserId, StpUtil.getLoginIdAsLong())
.inSql(NewsRelation::getNewsId, "select id from xjr_oa_news where delete_mark = 0 and type_id = 2 and (send_range = 2 or send_range = 3) AND (send_end_date > '" + LocalDateTime.now() + "' OR send_end_date IS NULL)"));
MPJLambdaWrapper<News> queryNews = new MPJLambdaWrapper<>();
@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ public class NewsController {
Long notReadCountProclamation = newsRelationService.count(Wrappers.<NewsRelation>query().lambda()
- .eq(NewsRelation::getReadMark, 2)
- .eq(NewsRelation::getUserId, 2)
+ .eq(NewsRelation::getReadMark, 0)
+ .eq(NewsRelation::getUserId, StpUtil.getLoginIdAsLong())
.inSql(NewsRelation::getNewsId, "select id from xjr_oa_news where delete_mark = 0 and type_id = 2 and status = 2 and (send_range = 2 or send_range = 3) AND (send_end_date > '" + LocalDateTime.now() + "' OR send_end_date IS NULL)"));
Long notReadCount = notReadCountNews + notReadCountProclamationToAll + notReadCountProclamation;