@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t8 ON t1.honors_level = t8.code AND t8.item_id = 1731576278748352514
LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t9 ON t1.honors_type = t9.code AND t9.item_id = 1731577666295418881
LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t10 ON t1.honors_grade = t10.code AND t10.item_id = 1731577201793028098
- LEFT JOIN base_major_set t11 ON t1.major_id = t11.id
+ LEFT JOIN base_major_set t11 ON t1.major_set_id = t11.id
WHERE t1.id = #{id} and t1.delete_mark = 0
<select id="getSortCode" resultType="java.lang.Integer">