@@ -55,36 +55,25 @@
<select id="subscriptionList" resultType="com.xjrsoft.module.textbook.vo.TextbookSubscriptionRecordVo">
SELECT t2.create_date,
t4.name AS applicant_user,
- t3.issn,
- t3.book_name,
- t3.publishing_house,
- t3.editor_in_chief,
- t3.appraisal_price,
+ t8.issn,
+ t8.book_name,
+ t8.publishing_house,
+ t8.editor_in_chief,
+ t8.appraisal_price,
t5.name AS is_textbook_plan_cn,
t6.name AS course_name,
- t7.name AS is_support_resources_cn,
- t3.version,
- t3.class_ids,
- t3.student_subscription_number,
- t3.teacher_subscription_number,
- t3.teacher_reference_number,
- t9.name as gradeName,
- t10.group_name as subjectGroupIdCN
+ t3.class_ids
FROM textbook_subscription_record t1
LEFT JOIN wf_textbook_subscription t2 ON t1.wf_textbook_subscription_id = t2.id
LEFT JOIN wf_textbook_subscription_item t3 ON t3.id = t1.wf_textbook_subscription_item_id
LEFT JOIN xjr_user t4 ON t2.applicant_user_id = t4.id
- LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t5
- ON t3.is_textbook_plan = t5.code AND t5.item_id = 1737360269850038273
- LEFT JOIN base_course_subject t6 ON t3.course_subject_id = t6.id
- LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t7
- ON t3.is_support_resources = t7.code AND t7.item_id = 1737360269850038273
LEFT JOIN textbook t8 ON t8.id = t1.textbook_id
- LEFT JOIN base_grade t9 ON t9.id = t8.grade_id
- LEFT JOIN subject_group t10 ON t10.id = t2.subject_group_id
+ LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t5
+ ON t8.is_textbook_plan = t5.code AND t5.item_id = 1737360269850038273
+ LEFT JOIN base_course_subject t6 ON t8.course_subject_id = t6.id
WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0
AND t1.textbook_id = #{id}