RoomBedMapper.xml 9.0 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE mapper
  3. PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
  4. "">
  5. <mapper namespace="">
  6. <select id="getPage" parameterType="" resultType="">
  7. SELECT,t1.sort_code, AS build_name,t2.floor_number,t2.room_name,t1.bed_number, AS student_name,t5.student_id,
  8., as gender_cn, AS grade_name, AS class_name FROM room_bed t1
  9. LEFT JOIN room t2 ON t1.room_id =
  10. LEFT JOIN base_office_build t3 ON t2.office_build_id =
  11. LEFT JOIN xjr_user t4 ON t1.student_user_id =
  12. LEFT JOIN base_student t5 ON t1.student_user_id = t5.user_id
  13. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll t6 ON t1.student_user_id = t6.user_id
  14. LEFT JOIN base_grade t7 ON t6.grade_id =
  15. LEFT JOIN base_class t8 ON t6.class_id =
  16. LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t9 ON t2.gender = t9.code AND t9.item_id = 2023000000000000004
  17. <if test="dto.officeBuildId != null">
  18. and t2.office_build_id = #{dto.officeBuildId}
  19. </if>
  20. <if test="dto.floorNumber != null">
  21. and t2.floor_number = #{dto.floorNumber}
  22. </if>
  23. <if test="dto.roomId != null">
  24. and t2.room_id = #{dto.roomId}
  25. </if>
  26. <if test="dto.gender != null and dto.gender != ''">
  27. and t2.gender = #{dto.gender}
  28. </if>
  29. <if test="dto.gradeId != null">
  30. and = #{dto.gradeId}
  31. </if>
  32. <if test="dto.classId != null">
  33. and = #{dto.classId}
  34. </if>
  35. <if test="dto.studentName != null">
  36. and like concat('%',#{dto.studentName},'%')
  37. </if>
  38. <if test="dto.studentId != null">
  39. and t5.student_id like concat('%',#{dto.studentId},'%')
  40. </if>
  41. ORDER BY t1.sort_code
  42. </select>
  43. <select id="getMaxSortCode" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
  44. SELECT IFNULL(MAX(sort_code),0) FROM room_bed WHERE delete_mark = 0
  45. </select>
  46. <select id="getDistributeClassInfo" parameterType="" resultType="">
  47. SELECT, AS grade_name, AS org_name, AS class_name,
  48. (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM base_student c1
  49. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll c2 ON c1.user_id = c2.user_id
  50. LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail c3 ON c2.stduy_status = c3.code AND c3.item_id = 2023000000000000030
  51. WHERE c1.delete_mark = 0 AND c2.delete_mark = 0
  52. AND c3.code = 'FB3002' AND c2.class_id = AS need_count,(
  53. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM room_bed a1
  54. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll a2 ON a1.student_user_id = a2.user_id
  55. WHERE a1.delete_mark = 0 AND a2.delete_mark = 0
  56. AND a2.class_id =
  57. ) AS distribute_count FROM base_class t1
  58. LEFT JOIN base_grade t2 ON t1.grade_id =
  59. LEFT JOIN xjr_department t3 ON t1.org_id =
  60. WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0
  61. and (
  62. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM base_student c1
  63. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll c2 ON c1.user_id = c2.user_id
  64. LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail c3 ON c2.stduy_status = c3.code AND c3.item_id = 2023000000000000030
  65. WHERE c1.delete_mark = 0 AND c2.delete_mark = 0
  66. AND c3.code = 'FB3002' AND c2.class_id =
  67. ) >
  68. (
  69. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM room_bed a1
  70. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll a2 ON a1.student_user_id = a2.user_id
  71. WHERE a1.delete_mark = 0 AND a2.delete_mark = 0
  72. AND a2.class_id =
  73. )
  74. <if test="dto.gradeId != null">
  75. and t1.grade_id = #{dto.gradeId}
  76. </if>
  77. <if test="dto.classId != null">
  78. and t1.class_id = #{dto.classId}
  79. </if>
  80. </select>
  81. <select id="getDistributeRoomBedInfo" parameterType="" resultType="">
  82. SELECT,t1.sort_code, AS build_name,t1.floor_number,t1.room_name, AS gender_cn, AS check_in_status_cn,
  83. t1.bed_count,(
  84. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM room_bed
  85. WHERE delete_mark = 0 AND room_id =
  86. AND student_user_id IS NOT NULL
  87. ) AS into_count,(
  88. SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( FROM room_bed c1
  89. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll c2 ON c1.student_user_id = c2.user_id
  90. LEFT JOIN base_class c3 ON c2.class_id =
  91. WHERE c1.delete_mark = 0 AND c1.room_id =
  92. AND c1.student_user_id IS NOT NULL
  93. ) AS into_class FROM room t1
  94. LEFT JOIN base_office_build t2 ON t1.office_build_id =
  95. LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t3 ON t1.check_in_status = t3.code AND t3.item_id = 1739843696019435521
  96. LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t4 ON t1.gender = t4.code AND t4.item_id = 2023000000000000004
  97. WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0
  98. and
  99. (
  100. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM room_bed
  101. WHERE delete_mark = 0 AND room_id =
  102. AND student_user_id IS NOT NULL
  103. ) != t1.bed_count
  104. ORDER BY t1.sort_code
  105. </select>
  106. <select id="getBedInfo" resultType="">
  107. SELECT t1.* FROM room_bed t1
  108. LEFT JOIN room t2 ON t1.room_id =
  109. WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0 AND t1.room_id IN
  110. <foreach item="roomId" index="index" collection="ids" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
  111. #{roomId}
  112. </foreach>
  113. ORDER BY t2.sort_code,t1.sort_code
  114. </select>
  115. <select id="getDistributeResult" parameterType="" resultType="">
  116. SELECT t5.class_id,, AS gender_cn, AS build_name,t2.room_name,t1.bed_number FROM room_bed t1
  117. LEFT JOIN room t2 ON t1.room_id =
  118. LEFT JOIN base_office_build t3 ON t2.office_build_id =
  119. LEFT JOIN xjr_user t4 ON t1.student_user_id =
  120. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll t5 ON t5.user_id =
  121. LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t6 ON t2.gender = t6.code AND t6.item_id = 2023000000000000004
  122. WHERE t1.student_user_id IS NOT NULL AND t1.delete_mark = 0
  123. AND t1.room_id IN
  124. <foreach item="roomId" index="index" collection="dto.roomIds" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
  125. #{roomId}
  126. </foreach>
  127. AND t5.class_id IN
  128. <foreach item="classId" index="index" collection="dto.classIds" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
  129. #{classId}
  130. </foreach>
  131. ORDER BY t2.sort_code,t1.sort_code
  132. </select>
  133. <select id="getClassStudetBed" resultType="">
  134. SELECT t1.user_id, AS class_id, AS class_name, AS student_name,REPLACE(REPLACE(t2.gender,1,'男'),2,'女') AS gender_cn, AS build_name,t6.room_name,t5.bed_number FROM base_student t1
  135. LEFT JOIN xjr_user t2 ON t1.user_id =
  136. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll t3 ON t1.user_id = t3.user_id
  137. LEFT JOIN base_class t4 ON t3.class_id =
  138. LEFT JOIN room_bed t5 ON t5.student_user_id = t1.user_id
  139. LEFT JOIN room t6 ON t5.room_id =
  140. LEFT JOIN base_office_build t7 ON t6.office_build_id =
  141. WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0 AND t2.delete_mark = 0
  142. </select>
  143. <select id="getBedStudentInfo" parameterType="" resultType="">
  144. SELECT, AS build_name,t2.room_name, AS gender_cn,t1.bed_number, AS student_name,t6.student_user_id,t2.is_max, as room_id FROM room_bed t1
  145. LEFT JOIN room t2 ON t1.room_id =
  146. LEFT JOIN base_office_build t3 ON t2.office_build_id =
  147. LEFT JOIN xjr_user t4 ON t1.student_user_id =
  148. LEFT JOIN xjr_dictionary_detail t5 ON t2.gender = t5.code AND t5.item_id = 2023000000000000004
  149. LEFT JOIN room_student_appoint t6 ON t6.room_bed_id =
  150. WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0 AND t2.delete_mark = 0
  151. ORDER BY t2.sort_code,t1.sort_code
  152. </select>
  153. <select id="getNoBedStudent" parameterType="" resultType="">
  154. SELECT t1.user_id, AS student_name,REPLACE(REPLACE(t2.gender,1,'男'),2,'女') as gender_cn, AS class_name FROM base_student t1
  155. INNER JOIN xjr_user t2 ON t1.user_id =
  156. LEFT JOIN base_student_school_roll t3 ON t1.user_id = t3.user_id
  157. LEFT JOIN base_class t4 ON t3.class_id =
  158. WHERE t1.delete_mark = 0 AND t2.delete_mark = 0
  159. AND t3.stduy_status = 'FB3001'
  160. AND t1.user_id NOT IN (
  161. SELECT student_user_id FROM room_bed WHERE delete_mark = 0 AND student_user_id IS NOT NULL
  162. )
  163. </select>
  164. </mapper>