application-dev.yml 7.4 KB

  1. spring:
  2. autoconfigure:
  3. #自动化配置 例外处理
  4. exclude:
  5. datasource:
  6. type:
  7. dynamic:
  8. primary: master
  9. datasource:
  10. master:
  11. driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  12. url: jdbc:mysql://
  13. username: root
  14. password: Zwr~-f6H,u6QE^]C-AD_
  15. redis:
  16. database: 10
  17. host:
  18. port: 6379
  19. password: wa3re~86Hu&ifniyM # 密码(默认为空)
  20. timeout: 36000ms # 连接超时时长(毫秒)
  21. jedis:
  22. pool:
  23. max-active: 1000 # 连接池最大连接数(使用负值表示没有限制)
  24. max-wait: -1ms # 连接池最大阻塞等待时间(使用负值表示没有限制)
  25. max-idle: 10 # 连接池中的最大空闲连接
  26. min-idle: 5 # 连接池中的最小空闲连接
  27. logging:
  28. level:
  29. org.camunda: debug #打印camunda 日志 一般用于 查看camunda 执行sql
  30. # 课表时段
  31. timetable:
  32. summer-start: 05-01
  33. summer-end: 09-30
  34. winter-start: 10-01
  35. winter-end: 04-30
  36. mqtt:
  37. username: root
  38. password: qwe123QWE
  39. server: tcp://
  40. qos: 1
  41. xjrsoft:
  42. oss:
  43. #enabled: true
  44. cloud-type: minio
  45. access-key: ycbx
  46. secret-key: qwe123QWE
  47. endpoint:
  48. bucket-name: learun
  49. prefix: xjr
  50. generate:
  51. webPath: E:\code\font\xjrsoft-vue3 #生成代码的路径
  52. appPath: E:\code\uniapp\xjrsoft-uni #前端app
  53. common:
  54. druid-account: admin # druid 监控账户
  55. druid-password: admin # druid 监控密码
  56. default-password: "000000" #默认密码(用户重置密码后为该密码)
  57. domain-api: #api域名地址
  58. domain-web: #web域名地址
  59. # domain-web: #web域名地址
  60. white-list:
  61. -
  62. exclude-urls:
  63. - /favicon.ico #网站图标
  64. - /webjars/** #swagger(knife4j) 接口文档必要资源
  65. - /swagger-resources/** #swagger(knife4j) 接口文档必要资源
  66. - /v2/api-docs #swagger(knife4j) 接口文档必要资源
  67. - /doc.html #swagger(knife4j) 接口文档必要资源
  68. - /druid/** #druid 监控
  69. - /ureport/**
  70. - /system/captcha # 验证码
  71. - /system/imgcaptcha #图形验证码
  72. - /system/loginCaptcha # 手机验证登录
  73. - /system/login # 登录接口
  74. - /system/logout # 登出接口
  75. - /camunda/** # camunda工作台
  76. - /language/** # language
  77. - /${magic-api.web}/** # magic-api web
  78. - /${magic-api.prefix}/** # magic-api 前缀
  79. - /bi/project/info # 桌面
  80. - /system/loginByCode #编号登录
  81. - /organization/user/register # 注册
  82. - /oauth2/* # oauth2
  83. email:
  84. host: #邮件服务器的SMTP地址,可选,默认为smtp.<发件人邮箱后缀>
  85. port: # 邮件服务器的SMTP端口,可选,默认25
  86. auth: true
  87. from: # 发件人(必须正确,否则发送失败
  88. user: # 用户名,默认为发件人邮箱前缀
  89. pass: # 密码(注意,某些邮箱需要为SMTP服务单独设置授权码,详情查看相关帮助
  90. enterpriseWeChat:
  91. corpid: ww00ce9acc4f193f18
  92. secret: 02YXuJw_vYYJiDQvG-eKlXCUTDAaAJ1z7m9t8_hqoa0
  93. secret1: z3R17Od4ROW1zPisguiQmTfx0NvcYKmoIu19-82vdtU
  94. agentid: 1000003
  95. mpWeixin:
  96. appKey: wx93175d7fe68cd170
  97. appSecret: 4bab1c5ccd9d4d1d7854464d7251becf
  98. dingtalk:
  99. appKey: dingaex2gok1rllumlqs
  100. appSecret: Nv2pe-UoR0Z_Iw8d29laZfL3kH6ElmhZpRdPwI7SvmKJmaCI29qCrSlFEiMM88MB
  101. ureport:
  102. account: xjrsoft
  103. password: 123456
  104. keycloak:
  105. url:
  106. realm: test
  107. client-id: tzx-java
  108. secret: yo5kPZlHgmodz4vVASH61zq8i6gMhkk2
  109. user-name: tzx #如果不需要后端再次 可以不需要
  110. password: "000000" #可以不需要
  111. payload: code #从payload 某个key中取值 登录
  112. chatgpt:
  113. proxy-type: 0 # 不开启代理 == -1 http == 0 socket == 1
  114. proxy:
  115. port: 1081
  116. api-key: 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 #your api-key. It can be generated in the link
  117. # some properties as below have default values. Of course, you can change them.
  118. max-tokens: 4000 # The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest models, which support 4096).
  119. # model: text-davinci-003 # GPT-3 models can understand and generate natural language. We offer four main models with different levels of power suitable for different tasks. Davinci is the most capable model, and Ada is the fastest.
  120. # temperature: 0.0 # What sampling temperature to use. Higher values means the model will take more risks. Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer.We generally recommend altering this or top_p but not both.
  121. # top-p: 1.0 # An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered.We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both.
  122. sms:
  123. platform: HW_CLOUD #默认使用短信服务商
  124. captcha-sender: 8823053028920 #验证码通道号
  125. captcha-template-id: 97c6fcf9fd0149b39c0ed0e53480116f # 验证码 模板id
  126. notify-sender: 8823053111843 # 提示类提示短信 通道号
  127. notify-template-id: d424de0f2a9244ac9d2f2685cd158635 #提示类短信 模板id
  128. circulated-sender: 8823053111843 # 提示类传阅短信 通道号
  129. circulated-template-id: 5c179070a72447c79568ac22371be803 #提示类传阅短信 模板id
  130. timeout-sender: 8823053111843 # 提示类短超时信 通道号
  131. timeout-template-id: 5c179070a72447c79568ac22371be803 #提示类超时短信 模板id
  132. ctccsms: #电信三网短信配置
  133. app-key: 105649
  134. app-secret: c3868470891526d9
  135. signature: "【重庆市铜梁职业教育中心】"
  136. license:
  137. enabled: false #是否需要验证
  138. login-max: 100 #最大登陆人数
  139. start-time: 2023-07-01 00:00:00 #开始时间
  140. end-time: 2023-07-03 17:00:00 #结束时间
  141. company-name: xxx #公司名
  142. contact-number: xxx #联系人
  143. sms:
  144. huawei:
  145. #华为短信appKey
  146. appKey: 69s6YyLsrLgWW99BJ5K1K26WiF29
  147. #华为短信appSecret
  148. app-secret: RuE1YajkI6FC4Gh2WjVtOpychRGL
  149. #短信签名
  150. signature: 湘北智造
  151. #通道号
  152. sender: 8823053028920
  153. #模板ID 如果使用自定义模板发送方法可不设定
  154. template-id: 97c6fcf9fd0149b39c0ed0e53480116f
  155. #华为回调地址,如不需要可不设置或为空
  156. statusCallBack:
  157. #华为分配的app请求地址
  158. url: